daniel leon in architecture today magazine this month about rethinking faith buildings for great community integration and understanding

Building bridges: Rethinking religious architecture in 21st Century Britain

How a new religious building typology that caters for multiple faiths could unite communities and “heal a fractured world.”

“We are in an era where secularism often overshadows the importance of religious architecture. The potential demolition of Brighton’s Modernist synagogue prompts us as a society to reconsider the intrinsic value of these religious spaces. As an architect deeply invested in the intersection of spirituality, design, and community, I propose a shift in perspective, recognizing the potential of religious architecture to foster interfaith understanding and unity.

Religious architecture is often viewed through the lens of nostalgia or dismissed as outdated remnants of the past. However, these structures can contribute meaningfully to modern Britain’s pursuit of interfaith dialogue and evolving concepts of spirituality. Spaces of worship are more than just a physical structure – they’re a living, breathing community centre, converging faith, culture, and communal belonging.”

Daniel Leon