what is it ALL likely going to cost?

This is the ‘million dollar question’ - How Much Is It Going To Cost?

We don’t mean to be vague but ‘it depends’ … its like going to car dealership and asking, ‘I want a car - how much?’ It depends.

But we can give a range to help you budget your project.

In terms of building costs, rates have increased in recent years, we would recommend £200-300/sqft (or £2000-3000/m2) for ‘above ground’ work, and say £500-600/sqft (of £5000-6000/m2) for basements, but of course it could be more or less, depending on how gold you want your taps to be!

Beware, lots of builders and architects talk in ‘net’ terms - the above figures would be typically plus vat and fees.

(A note on vat, on renovation work it is typically 20%, and for new-build works typically zero rated. There is a 5% rate in certain circumstances such as when there is a change of use, including merging two units into one. We have excellent vat specialists we can refer you to.)

In terms of Architects’ fees, we typically charge in three ways : -

  1. As a percentage of the net build cost, depending on the type and complexity of project might range from say 5-6% for a large multi-unit scheme, to 15-20% to a bespoke design and project management intensive project, perhaps with tricky planning aspects like for works to listed buildings.

    So in round numbers, for a project whose build cost is £1m and say a 10% fee is appropriate, then the Architect’s fee would be £100k.

    This is typically broken down into stages, in thirds - a) up to Planning, b)Technical Design c) Construction Phase.

  2. On a lump-sum basis, where the scope of the project and architectural services are easily set out, finite and clear, such as for a Feasibility Study or Planning Application.

  3. On a time charge basis, when the scope is difficult to predict at the outset. Our rates vary depending on the seniority and experience of Architect, ranging from £250 to £100/hr.

There will also be fees for other consultants perhaps required for your project, such as Engineers and Surveyors, or specialist designers.

We hope this is helpful as a guide - please get in touch if you would like more information about your project.

There is also this useful guide on the Riba website.